Visiting cost

Proof of business type is required during registration. Please refer to qualified business types below for accurate pricing.

Business Types:

Retailer - Owner or employee of an outlet that sells goods direct to the consumer but does not manufacture goods. Restaurants, Spas and Health Care Providers are also included in this category.

Distributor - Owner or employee of an entity that sells more than one Manufacturer's finished product line in addition to any self-owned brand to retailers.

Supplier - Owner or employee of an entity that sells raw material or ingredients bought from various producers, warehouses product and wholesales it. Includes importers, wholesalers and those that provide contractor/sub-contractor services.

Manufacturer - Owner or employee of an entity that produces a finished product. Includes producers and packers.

Allied, Business Services - Owner or employee of an entity that provides specialized services. Includes banking, educational institutions, consultants and media representatives not qualified for Media Badges, e.g. Advertising Sales.

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